Respect for our School

Instructions for Form Teachers:

  1. Set the rubbish bin at front of room and make a couple of ‘balls’ from scrap paper
  2. Divide the Year 9’s into two teams. Each Year 13 is the captain of a team.
  3. There will be 7 questions for each team to answer (see below).
  4. If the answer is correct, that team gets one point, plus a Year 9 gets one shot at the bin (a different Year 9 each time). If the shot goes in, the team gets an additional point.

Note: If the team answers correctly, but misses the shot, it still receives the point for answering correctly. If a team does not answer correctly, a shot is not attempted. Maximum Score is 14 points.

Questions for Team A

1. Is tagging property acceptable at TBC?

2. What behaviour is expected in and around the College Green?

3. What colour are the rubbish bins at TBC?

4. If you accidently damage some property what should you do?

5. Give 3 ways that you can show respect for the trees/gardens at TBC.

6. Are you allowed in corridors and classrooms at lunchtime?

7. What message does it send to our visitors if the grounds are rubbish free and tidy?

Questions for Team B

1. Is it someone else’s job to pick up your litter at TBC?

2. Where are the appropriate areas to play with rugby or soccer balls?

3. What areas do you need to be in for the first 12 minutes of lunchtime?

4. Give 3 ways you can show respect for the buildings/classrooms at TBC.

5. If you see somebody disrespecting school property what should you do?

6. Is it ok to eat on the turf at lunchtime?

7. If food scraps are left around, more seagulls come in, what is the issue here?